Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Tonsillitis is a disease that attacks in children because of changes in thyroid function as the immune system into nest of infection.Children who suffer from symptoms of tonsillitis body temperature reached 40 degrees Celcius,feels dry and sore throat when swallowing food,frequent cough,a shortness of breath,the body feels lethargic,her voice is less clear and the decreased activity.

Tonsillitis if not treated immediately will be more enlarged,and will become breeding sites germs and viruses.Inflammation of the enlarged tonsils will cover respiratory tract so that the child will be fast asleep and when sleeping mouth open and snoring.If your child has signs of inflamed tonsils,then immediately take it to the doctor for examination.If the tonsils are already dilated,the doctor will assess the extent of enlarged tonsils and determine next steps,if necessary surgical removal of tonsils or only given drugs to relieve pain.

How to reduce the pain when the child suffered from tonsillitis :
1.Give soft foods for children who suffer from inflammation of the tonsils will be sore throat and difficult to swallow food.
2.Do not consume food and beverages cold,as it can aggravate thyroid condition.
3.Do not use monosodium glutamate into the cuisine,because it can make greater tonsils.
4.Keep children from people who are sick,for children who suffer from tonsil decreases body resistance.
5.Give foods that contain many nutrients such as,vegetables and fruits to keep the child's endurance.
6.Get used to the child to rinse twice a day using mouthwash as prescribed.
7.We recommend that adequate rest for body condition better.


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