Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to stay healthy in old age

The period of the age above 50 years is the very attack-prone diseases.Because it accumulates in old age has a variety of substances that affect health over the decades through food.And in old age decreased immunity body will be susceptible to disease.

How to keep your body to stay healthy in old age :
1.Set up a healthy diet
a.Drink plenty of water
Good water is that contains natural minerals.Water is needed for the body to facilitate the body's metabolism and maintain freshness.We recommend drinking 8 glasses of water everyday,because when the body lacks water intake can cause various health problem,namely constipation,impaired kidney function,kidney stones and much more.

b.Alot of fibrous foods
Eating enough fiber could launch a bowel movement.So that it can prevent the risk of bowel diseases such as colon cancer.Fibers also serve to protect the body from various diseases such as diabetes,heart disease and high blood pressure.
c.Reduce foods that contain fat and cholesterol
Avoid foods high in fat such as meat,cheese,butter,cocoa and palm oil.The food source can increase cholesterol levels in quick time.But there is a type of fat consumed is safe and can lower cholesterol levels in the blood,which is monounsaturated fat.The fat content can be obtained from nuts and olive oil.
d.Reduce salt intake
The amount of salt needed in the body each day is less than one-fourth teaspoon.Salt serves to regulate fluid balance,then make it a habit to eat foods low in salt.
e.No instant foods
Instant foods contain lots of additives such as preservartives,colorings and artificial flavorings.Food that contain additional ingredients will affect the health because it comes from chemicals,then you should consume foods that naturally.

2.Train the brain
At the age when most people are getting old has become a frequently forgotten,because some brain cells have become damaged and less efficient.People who enter old age can train his brain to have a good memory so that the mind remains.The easiest way is with a lot of reading.

3.Doing physical activity
Get used to exercise 20-30 minutes everyday and do 3 times a week.With exercise blood circulation can be smoothly,increase endurance and improve body balance.

4.Controlling stress
When stress the body will quickly produce cortisol,the stress hormone.If the body of excess cortisol in the long term will lead to various diseases attack.And stress is the biggest factor in triggering the disease attacks.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Tonsillitis is a disease that attacks in children because of changes in thyroid function as the immune system into nest of infection.Children who suffer from symptoms of tonsillitis body temperature reached 40 degrees Celcius,feels dry and sore throat when swallowing food,frequent cough,a shortness of breath,the body feels lethargic,her voice is less clear and the decreased activity.

Tonsillitis if not treated immediately will be more enlarged,and will become breeding sites germs and viruses.Inflammation of the enlarged tonsils will cover respiratory tract so that the child will be fast asleep and when sleeping mouth open and snoring.If your child has signs of inflamed tonsils,then immediately take it to the doctor for examination.If the tonsils are already dilated,the doctor will assess the extent of enlarged tonsils and determine next steps,if necessary surgical removal of tonsils or only given drugs to relieve pain.

How to reduce the pain when the child suffered from tonsillitis :
1.Give soft foods for children who suffer from inflammation of the tonsils will be sore throat and difficult to swallow food.
2.Do not consume food and beverages cold,as it can aggravate thyroid condition.
3.Do not use monosodium glutamate into the cuisine,because it can make greater tonsils.
4.Keep children from people who are sick,for children who suffer from tonsil decreases body resistance.
5.Give foods that contain many nutrients such as,vegetables and fruits to keep the child's endurance.
6.Get used to the child to rinse twice a day using mouthwash as prescribed.
7.We recommend that adequate rest for body condition better.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Astma is a disease caused by a narrowing of the airways due to hyperactivity of certain stimuli that cause inflammation.Consequently people with asthma will experince difficulty in breathing as usual.If the patient gets an asthma attack once it feels tormented,because to draw breath once it becomes difficult,so people should be very hard to draw breath.Sometimes the patient to open her mouth wide to assist in decision-breath.If the patient is under attack is not immediately helped the consequences can be severe which can cause death.

The cause of asthma attacks
1.Inhalation of various forms of powder
Namely dust,pet hair,mold spores.A variety of these materials when flying in the air and then inhaled through the nose into the esophagus,it causes coughing and breathing tightness thus introduces.
2.Inhalation of irritant substances
Namely cigarette smoke,air polution,perfumes smell that stung and much more.
3.Extremely cold weather
Cold peak was at about 12 o'clock the night until early morning.Then the body can not withstand the cold air that hit,triggering an asthma attack is great enough.
4.Emotional stress
Patients who are in anxiety,stress,excessive crying and laughing will make a recurrence of asthma sufferers.
5.Excessive physical activity
Should people do things that are mild and do not exercise excessively.

Types of asthma medication
For people with asthma should avoid the causes that lead to asthma attacks as much as possible.But if the patient accidentally exposed to the cause so that his asthma disease relapse then immediately taking medication to relieve shortness of breath.Shortness of breath drug usually available in spray and pill forms.In the mouth and the patient can swallow it in a few moments breathing will be gradually returning to normal.While the form of pills can be directly drunk when he received an asthma attack,but the reaction is longer than a spray which takes about 15 minutes,shortness of breath can only be abated.So always bring your reliever medicine where you are shortness of breath which has been approved prescription from your doctor.